Why subscribe to Technical Interviewing is Broken?

Because we can fix it. Realistically, things won’t get better — either with fairer screenings, removing irrelevant and robotic tests and brainteasers, or undoing the candidate pains of whiteboard hazing — without a dialogue about what is and isn’t working, for both companies and candidates.

What this newsletter won’t do is provide you tips and tricks on how to hack your way past interviews, or how to crack any codes, or how to master a FAANG interview — you’ve got lots of other sources for that. This newsletter is aimed at recruiters, candidates, and engineering leaders looking to make the whole process better. We will focus on interviews with leaders in the field and programmers wading through the muck, and the latest discourse on the topic of recruiting, interviewing, and hiring software engineers.

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Thoughts/News/Research on How To Improve the Interview Process for Software Engineers